Well, I guess this is the first of what could be many posts. I figured, I'd just ramble a minute in this first post, you know get that awkward first word out- I've been busy this last month getting ready for a few art shows- In Nov, on the 8
Th I will be doing two major events the first during the day at the
Yarib Shriner center on Ponce De Leon in Atlanta Georgia with the Atlanta Roller girls for their SSS- SCATTERED , SMOTHERED, AND SOUTHERN EVENT- For this show, I have done 30 paintings, each is numbered in the order I finished them in. From start to finish, they should take me under 40 days. The other event is later that night and is called "A KNIFE TRADE-AN HOMAGE TO ALL THINGS SHARPENED" It's happening over at the Five Spot in Little Five Points in Atlanta. This is a group show I'm doing with 20 of my friends. Later in Nov-on the 15
th, I'm taking part in a show at the East Atlanta Tattoo Gallery called "El
Dia De Los
Muertos". Then on the 21st I'm doing some live painting again over at the Ice House- formerly the old Echo Lounge in East Atlanta with some great bands like Burden of Vision. That show will be super rad, I have never been to the Ice House. Well like I said, I just wanted to ramble for a few, keep checking back to this blog for new art work, new art shows and all the stuff I'm up to. Thanks