So June is almost over and man, what a month it was- Three Huge events where Urbnpop took part in-
June 7th- "Monster bash"- What an amazing time- Great music, Kick ass vendors and Tons of Scary, monsterriffic people running around. The Starlight Drive and Tim were super great to us and made the event super easy to enjoy. A huge round of applause to my pal Matt ( Ewwe) for helping me set up and keep the tent together.
June 13th- The Art-b-que sponsored by Bart Webb Studios and Alcove Gallery- Another awesome weekend- Tons of great people and again the folks that run the event were so great to all of us. Many thanks to my pal Craig, for helping me with this event and too Penny and her hubby for all the great art trades and for just hanging out and keeping me sane in the heat.
Lastly and one of my favoite summer events the Atlanta Roller Girls-
June 20th- The ARG- If you have never been to a bout- the season is almost over ( aug) and you will regret not getting to see those lovely ladies in action- How can you say enough- Rad people, Hot girls on Rollerskates and art. The ARG have always been so supportive of me and Urbnpop, I love em'. Just for those who have never been out to a bout and seen our set up- July will be the last month I will be there intill next year ( I start my convention and art tour in Aug and come back in Oct). So I will be doing some new pieces as always and having a few end of the Summer sales- If your able to come check them out. Thanks to all the Girls for your support and having me out- Violet, Chopper, Reba, Edna, Thanks for everything.
So June is almost over, but you got two more times this months to come say hi- I'm super Stoked, This friday my dear friends It's Elephant's are having a cd release show and I will be doing art and have some limited edition Hand painted It's elephant's magnets for the show! I'm also working on a suprise ( that you will just have to come to the show to find out) for them.. lets just say- rock posters??? Then on June 28th I will be doing some Live art with my pal's Mice in CArs- for all of y'all that know me, you know I love this band and seemed to make some kick as art at their shows. Both of these shows will be at the EARL ( in East Atlanta.
Well for now that is all-
Out of sight, still out of my mind,
Chris Hamer