Things have been super busy around the Urbnpop camp, Lots of shows in the works..
I'm going to be in the Day of the Dead Show at youngblood, and you will not even recognize what I have come up with.. I'm super stoked on this one, its like nothing I have ever done, hell, there are no Monsters or little buddys at all on it.. But do not fret, its not a super regular thing I intend to do.. hahahah.. Then November is going to be craftastic with Urbnpop visiting Chattanooga for the first time at Chatty Crafty and then Athens Craft fest and then I'm returning to Ice in Atlanta.. So as they come up, I'll post some new news...
Thanks for making this guys dream come true...
In the mean time, if you can not stand to wait for me to post on Blogger, you can go to my Tumblr page where I post more often ( cuz there is an app for that )